Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Extra Class Exam Grab Bag

Tonight we will cover a few questions from the Extra Class exam pool and discuss the reasoning behind the answers.

E1B08 (D) [97.121]
On what frequencies may the operation of an amateur station be restricted if its emissions cause interference to the reception of a domestic broadcast station on a receiver of good engineering design?
A. On the frequency used by the domestic broadcast station
B. On all frequencies below 30 MHz
C. On all frequencies above 30 MHz
D. On the interfering amateur service transmitting frequencies
This question makes it clear the the burden of avoiding interference to your neighbors is on you. Even if you are operating with a clean signal, completely within the amateur bands, if you are causing interference on someones well designed radio or TV, you can be restricted in your activity. Of course, there are other very good reasons to take it upon yourself to help resolve the situation.
  • You should have the knowledge to add a filter to your neighbor's antenna connection or do what else is necessary to fix the problem. The person being interfered with is not likely to know what to do.
  • It is a good idea to do what you can to keep your relations with your neighbors as positive as you reasonably can.
  • You will be helping the entire Ham community to keep a better opinion of our hobby. This will help ensure that we keep the privileges we enjoy today.

E1F09 (D) [97.113]
When may the control operator of a repeater accept payment for providing communication services to another party?
A. When the repeater is operating under portable power
B. When the repeater is operating under local control
C. During Red Cross or other emergency service drills
D. Under no circumstances
This one is probably pretty obvious, but I have it here just to reinforce that we can never receive payment in return for operating in the Ham bands.

E1F10 (D) [97.113]
When may an amateur station send a message to a business?
A. When the total money involved does not exceed $25
B. When the control operator is employed by the FCC or another government agency
C. When transmitting international third-party communications
D. When neither the amateur nor his or her employer has a pecuniary interest in the communications
This one is interesting in that there is no prohibition against communicating with a business over ham radio as long as you are not doing business on the radio. There has been a lot of discussion about just where to draw the line. It can be open to interpretation whether you are doing business or not. So, if possible, it's best just to avoid communicating with a business on the ham bands. One circumstance where one could find it necessary to communicate with a business on the ham bands is in emergency communications.

E1F11 (A) [97.113]
Which of the following types of amateur-operator-to-amateur-operator communications are prohibited?
A. Communications transmitted for hire or material compensation, except as otherwise provided in the rules
B. Communications that have a political content, except as allowed by the Fairness Doctrine
C. Communications that have a religious content
D. Communications in a language other than English
I don't know what the exceptions are.

An interesting part of this question is that communication in a language other than English is not prohibited. It is okay if others don't understand what you are saying as long as it is not your intent to obscure the meaning of your transmission.

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